Thank You 20

by - 21.05

Thank you 20! You have taught so many things to me.
I got many inspirations in this age.
I realized I was not a teenager anymore. I have to organize my self for my future in serious way.
I realized, there were much funny things to do even you got tight to your obligation as a collegian.
I realized that my blog didn't worth to be off, this is one of a pieces of my soul.
I realized that I still had much time to read book and becoming bookholic (again).
I experienced new things and new places.
I knew people have different intention and I do have different one.
Even though there were so many targets haven't been done, there were so many whislists haven't been checked, but dreams always be dreams if you just sit on the same place.
I'm glad! 20 was absolutely my turning age. I'm blessed! Alhamdulillah, yokatta!

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